Best Plugin: Celemony Melodyne Editor 5 at Amazon, "This pitch plugin will interface with almost every major DAW and will become an indispensable part of your production.".Best Budget: Acid Music Studio 11 at Amazon, "You can record unlimited audio tracks, live track multiple instruments at the same time, and map shortcuts onto your keyboard.".Best for Songwriters: Presonus Studio One 5 Artist at Amazon, "the thing that sets the Studio One line apart is its streamlined, single-window workflow that won’t require you to tab back and forth between a bunch of screens.".Best for Electronic: Ableton Live 11, "Ableton is the standard for DJs, EDM, and hip-hop beats.".Best Value: Logic Pro X at Apple, "Logic Pro is usually on the shortlist for the best in audio production software.".Runner-Up, Best Overall: Reason 12 at Reason Studios, "It has a huge sound bank with more than 29,000 device patches, loops, and samples.".Best Overall: Pro Tools 12 at Amazon, "Set foot into any professional recording studio, and you’re much more likely to find Pro Tools than any other software.".